Goals in Conflict

A few nights ago, I found myself already desperately over budget, but really wanting to cross my weekly coffee shop visit off my list. This dilemma was to be expected; one of my goals this year is to save money while almost all of my other goals require spending.

Nutty I know, but after agonizing for a few minutes (okay a full hour) I reminded myself of my real goal for my money.  I want to spend it on things that are important to me, not just on frivolous impulses. This was my first opportunity to put it to the test. Ultimately, I went to the coffee shop knowing that the nominal cost would be offset by the experience.

When I got home an hour and a half later I had checked quite a few goals off my list:

  • Stayed out past 7:30 pm
  • Eaten a low carb meal ($8)
  • Finished a book I had been reading for way too long
  • Wrote the basis of this blog entry
  • Walked the 15 minutes home

And most importantly I felt much better than I would have if i were just sitting on my couch not spending money. This small moment felt like a major win. I often don’t allow myself the pleasure of mini purchases. By using my “value system” to make this choice to spend I had an enriching experience and contributed to many goals rather than adhering to just one.

Yay for small steps forward!


As part of my journey to be more productive, I want to spend more time being creative. Something I’ve always had a passion for but never truly allowed myself to explore is writing. Now I’m putting aside my fear of being bad at it and just trying.

When I first had this inkling a few months ago I used my favorite astrology website (yes, I have a favorite) to create the birth charts and write bios for 2 characters. This week I took the next step and found a few prompts online to help develop character and flex this very underused muscle.

Over the next 3 months I want to write 3 stories for each; you know just to get to know them better.


  1. Your character realizes that they were cheated on by their partner.
  2. Your character is forced to wait for someone or something.
  3. Your character goes to the grocery store…
  4. Your character is moving to another city. She visits her favorite public place and sees something that makes her want to stay
  5. Your character arrives late to a party, not knowing that an old significant other is attending too. The relationship didn’t end well. The host introduces them to each other, unaware of their history
  6. A couple is having an argument at a bar. Character one hates public displays and is trying to be hushed, character two doesn’t care at all what the other patrons think (Your character can be either)
  7. Describe a seaside city from the viewpoint of your character who is visiting for the first time
  8. Your character is waiting nervously outside a venue for a job interview. Describe what they are worried they will be asked and in what ways they feel prepared. End with ‘the door opened’.
  9. Describe your character making plans for where they will be in life when they reach 30.
  10. Your character received bad news in a letter and describes being given the letter and reading it to a friend